Thursday, January 01, 2015

Ko je ubio ljubav -- na engleskom jeziku

Moja priča Ko je ubio ljubav, koja je pisana za antologiju McCann Ericksona, potom objavljena u poljskom časopisu Verte, sada se na engleskom jeziku našla i na Amazonu.

Častite sebe i svoje bližnje za praznike -- OVDE.

Uvodni pasusu glasi ovako:

"To murder. To make it exist no longer. To put your arms around her neck until the sparkles from her eyes disappear. To cut her throat open, in order for her to choke on her own blood. That is the way to kill someone who is dear to you, someone whom you love... and who deserved to die."

Poznati scenarista David Hine (Silent War, The Bulletproof Coffin) je o priči rekao sledeće: "An artfully-written story. I really liked it. The misdirection of the opening page really had me fooled. I was expecting a clichéd murder story and got something entirely different and far more thought-provoking.

I sinopsis:

"Who Killed Love is a story about the young, successful writer who meets a mysterious girl that will infect him not only with love but also with insomnia. While struggling under pressure as the deadline for his second book approaches, the last thing the writer needs is a nightmare of jealousy which will not end without casualties"